Retina Support Nepal

About Us

Retina Support Nepal is a volunteer-based, Non profit organization, providing information and supports to people, their families and friends, affected by blinding retinal eye diseases with focus on Macular degeneration, Retinal dystrophy, Retinitis Pigmentosa, Vein occlusion, Retinopathy of prematurity and allied conditions.

Intial reactions to the loss of vision, is comparable to to the "stages of grief," defined by Dr. Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, after the loss of a loved one, taking one from denial to anger and depression, and finally, acceptance. Hence, the first step to understand is the condition, how they affect the patient, and those around them. With understanding comes the ability to straightforwardly address conflicts, allay fears, and move forward.

To help with this process, here are a few points to keep in mind at all times:
A. You are not alone. Vision loss affects 0.35% of our people in Nepal, according to the latest data. Hence, one should not be afraid to reach out to others experiencing vision loss as well as vision loss professionals for information, advice, and encouragement.

B. You can continue to lead a full, rewarding life and remain independent.
you can continue to enjoy your favorite hobbies and activities, participate in family activities, do volunteer work, or travel with adjustment and counseling from professionals and family support.

C. You don't have to stop working and remain independent.
With a few basic adjustments and technical support, most people who develop vision loss are able to remain in the workforce and can even continue in their current jobs.

We aim to provide such assistance and financial support to needy people and we aim to provide volunteers from the active involvement of self motivated patients.